Primula x ‘Kusum Krishna’ PC (Sanskrit for ‘Flower of Krishna’)
Primula x ‘Kusum Krishna’ Is one of the plants which are unique to Rumbling Bridge Nursery, having been bred on site. This particular variety has received quite extensive interest. Below you can read an article published in the Czech Republic Rock Garden Club Journal, by Davie Sharp.
The plant was named so by a Hindu friend of the Nursery, as it reminded him of his beloved Lord Krishna, described in sanskrit text as having the colour of newly arrived monsoon clouds.
The following is an article written by Davie Sharp which was published in the Czech Republic rock gardening journal.
Primula x ‘Kusum Krishna’ gained an award of Preliminary Commendation in 2006, which is given to new plants showing promise for exhibition. This award, amongst others, is given by the Royal Horticultural Society’s Joint Rock Plant Committee (Great Britain). The Joint Rock Plant Committee consists of representatives from both the Scottish Rock Garden Club, and its sister organization in England, Alpine Garden Society.
P. x ‘Kusum Krishna’, (European, Section Auricula) is a hybrid made by Graeme Butler of Rumbling Bridge Nursery, Scotland. He skilfully crossed the violet flowered and white farina edged leaf of P. x ‘Wharfedale Bluebell’, with the mauve, white eyed flower and crenate foliage of the pollen donor, P. x marginata ‘Linda Pope’. The result was the beautiful ‘Kusum Krishna’. My plant displayed 8 x 7cm umbels, of intense inky violet blue buds, opening to 3 – 3.5cm white thrum-eyed violet (88B) flowers which graced the 7 x 4.5cm, turgid, spathulate, crenate farina edged leaves. The leaves sit on the surface of the growing medium. The stemless leaves are an advantage over those of its parents, especially when being potted for showing, as they usually require to be ‘potted low’ i.e. the plant/stems are sunk below the topdressing used to surface the pot, for presentation purposes. Flowering time is April as the light strengthens in NE Scotland (lat 57° north). This stunning plant was grown in a raised bed in the alpine house. I successfully grow P. x ‘Wharfedale Bluebell’ outside and unprotected from the elements, so when a space becomes available I will put a small plant of ‘Krishna’ out into a crevice bed.
Photography and text by kind permission of Davie Sharp.
Please note – the correct name of the plant is ‘Kusum Krishna’, as wrongly spelled variations are often seen.